Thursday, November 18, 2010


With all that goes wrong in our lives and all that is wrong in the world, it's so easy to complain.  One thing we must never forget is that - no matter how hard it gets or how bad it may seem - someone else may be much worse off than we could ever imagine.  So with that thought, let's aim to maintain an attitude of gratitude.  This life may not be all that you desire or hope for right now, but who says this is all to your life.You've got a whole lot more living to do!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

New Horizons

There is a freshness sweeping through the air as this current year briskly makes its way to close.  You may have faced a lot of challenges this year.  While you may have experienced many victories, there surely were some defeats.  But continue to rise for there is an occasion awaiting your arrival.  New horizons are on the brink and you don't want to delay your destination any longer.  Stay focused, remain determined, be intentional, and expect something different . . . something "new!"

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Don't Settle!

It's really important to remain focused and not let yourself settle for things or people you really don't want.  Sometimes it's challenging "holding out" until the right job, the right person, the right opportunity becomes available.  But, when you know what you want and are willing to take the steps to get it, whatever "IT" may be, there's nothing more disappointing than when you sell yourself short and end up with the short end of the stick.  It's really not worth the emotional  upset, financial distress, or whatever else that comes along with the settlement.  Whatever you do, please don't settle!  Your change will come along at the right time.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


I've heard it said many times before that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile.  Whether that is true or not, I would rather display a smile than a frown any day.  Sometimes, not always, a smile symbolically reflects an internal condition.  I often think when I see a smile on someone's face, it's really their heart smiling at me.  Sometimes it's tough to smile, especially when life's situations are threatening disaster.  Maybe, during those times, you can reflect on the good times until the bad times get better.  Sometimes you have to cheer up yourself.  You may never know, your smile just might be what brightens someone's day.  Go on . . . give it a try!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

F.A.I.T.H. or F.E.A.R.

Most times people  put forth a persona of confidence, determination, and persistence that appears iron clad and impossible to break when actually it's just a mere picture of the pseudo self on the brink of collapsing and bowing in defeat.  It's not until we face fear for what it really is - False Evidence Appearing Real - that we can activate our faith - Fulfilling Agape Instruction Through Hope.  Think about different times in your lives when you opted "not" to do or say or be because what was in front of you appeared to be greater than you or your ability.  That was nothing but fear.  It seemed real, but in reality it was a false truth.  You had the experience, but you didn't have the education so you opted "not" to go after the job.  You had the time and even the resources, but you didn't have the brains of a scholar - so you opted "not" to go after the degree.  And the list goes on, and on, and on . . . How many times are you going to gracefully "bow out" when you have the capacity for F.A.I.T.H.?  Have enough confidence to believe in the authenticity of your faith.  God is, therefore, you can!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

When It Really Matters

It's nice to have others there when life is a bliss and laughter is in the air.  When it really matters the most is when someone is there to lend a shoulder to lean on.  There are times in all of our lives when the roses aren't red and the glass appears half empty.  During those times, a word of encouragement, a smiling face, a conversation while walking through the park or any gesture that translates "I care and I'm here for you," could mean the world to the one in need.  Take the time to reach out to someone today.  If you don't, you'll never know that you were the one they needed when it really mattered the most.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Celebrate Your Life

To observe, to make known publicly, to praise widely . . . all of these are definitions for celebrate.  The question is how often do you take the time to celebrate your life?  Life is more than mere existence.  It's more than just being here.  You have a presence that is loving, lively, spirit-filled, resilient, harmonious, compassionate, and life-giving!  The year 2010 is more than half the way gone.  Some have celebrated the day of their birth and for some that day it yet to come.  But, more than celebrating a moment in time like a birthday, you owe it to yourself to celebrate who you are.  Because being who you are is an everyday thing.  There should be some kind of observance, public notice, wide-spread praise in honor of you.  If no one else is willing to do it, you should.  Think about what you've accomplished, what it took for you to achieve.  You're no run-of-the-mill, second-class citizen waiting for a hand-out.  You're a go-getter, a visionary, an awesome example of magnificence in human form.  You are YOU and no one can do you better.  Celebrate your life!  Celebrate You!  You deserve it!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cultivate Your Ground

Like the farmer and the gardener, you've got to be ready to sow your seed in good ground.  However, the ground here refers to your life.  Many times we make investments in our lives and get very little in return.  One reason may be we haven't taken the time to ensure our lives are fertile enough to nurture the planted seed.  Are we really ready for a harvest to spring forth?  Have we really taken the time to fertilize our lives with the substance to sustain us through a season of growth?  Think about your thoughts.  A fertile life is one sustained through positive, healthy thoughts.  One not easily deterred by distractions.  One that can take any situation and add a positive spin and take it as a lesson learned.  Think about your actions.  If your thoughts are positive, then your actions will be the same because your thoughts fuel your actions.  A fertile life is one reinforced through doing the "right" thing, doing the "necessary" thing, doing what "must" be done even in the face of challenges.  It is important to pay attention to what you are feeding your life.  What you feed your life fertilizes it.  What books are you reading?  What music are you listening to?  What type of entertainment are you indulging in?  What kind of people are you engaging?  All of these things must be taken into consideration.  They make be the difference between a seed that grows and one that dies.  Take the time to cultivate your ground.  Make it as fertile as possible.  It's the only one you've got!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Do It Again!

"If at first you don't succeed, do it again!"  That's not quite how the old adage goes, but it's what it means.  There are times in each of our lives when it appears that most our efforts end in failure.  It seems almost like we can't win for losing.  Somehow, for every one step we take forward - it equals two steps backwards.  However, be encouraged today and know success IS trying, giving all you can at the time you gave.  When you try, you never have to wonder about what it would be like "if " . . . and most times when you want it bad enough, you're willing to Do It Again!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Aspire To Desire - BE GREAT!

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, (Ephesians 3:20). 
I woke up this morning with this scripture on my mind.  I thought about how most people pigeon-hole themselves, meaning their thoughts towards themselves are so small that they give God very little room to work.  I have always believed that "greatness" is the power that lives in me.  Now, I understand that greatness is the God in me.  So, when I dream - I dream in color.  My life is lived out on a stage, not is some corner plagued by dust and cobwebs.  I sing from the tops of mountains, not roof tops.  I extend myself as a service to everyone, not just one.  At one point, I thought it was naive to think on such a grand scale, that it would somehow be impossible to fulfill.  Now more than ever I am persuaded that I could never think the impossible because the "him" Ephesians 3:20 speaks of, is able to do far greater than what I can ask or think.  My encouragement to you today is to BE GREAT because the GREATER ONE lives in you.  Your impossible is already possible because he is able . . .

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Take some time to look back over the past couple of days, weeks, months, years.  Evaluate where you were and where you are now.  If you see positive images, remember positive experiences - that's something to be grateful for.  You can honestly say that you're in a much better place/space (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually).  However, if the memories are not as delightful or pleasant to dwell upon . . . well . . . maybe you ought to evaluate where you are and where you want to be.  Reflection is good for the soul.  It gives you the opportunity make sure you haven't lost the directions to your destination.  If you're on track, stay there!  If you're not, by all means - GET THERE!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Time Is Now

Go, stop, move forward, reverse, fast-forward, rewind . . . do or don't? Whatever your dilemma may be, the time is now to make a decision.  Sometimes we ponder on situations so long until we forget we're supposed to make a move.  Today is the day to make the commitment.  Either you will or you won't.  Which is it?

Friday, July 23, 2010

Patience Is A Virtue

Better is the end . . . than the beginning . . . (Ecclesiastes 7:8)  Sometimes it seems as though when you know what you want but don't have it (yet), time feels like it's moving as the speed of a turtle.  However, I am reminded that patience is the key.  It may be the case that you need more time to prepare yourself for what you want or the opposite.  Maybe, what you want is not ready to be presented to you because there may still be some missing elements.  Whatever the case, know that what is meant to be already is.  Patiently await its arrival.  Keep doing what you're doing.  If you're seeking employment, don't stop completing those applications, sending out your resume, and perusing the employment websites.  If you're  wanting to add more to your education, continue getting yourself prepared for the entrance exam; take the ACT, SAT, GRE.  This is all apart of the beginning.  Take the journey.  When you get to the end, you'll find out that it really is better. 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Empowered Me

What is it about you that makes you uniquely you?  Think about it, there are no two people on this earth exactly alike.  Even identical twins have differences. Do you have talents or gifts?  Are you someone of character and integrity?  Do you show kindness and generosity to others?  Are you passionate and purposeful?  What is it?  Take a view of you through the lenses of the soul.  Get down to the core of who you are.  Motivate yourself today.  Be the only you that no one else can be.  It is through this self-enlightenment you will find the EMPOWER-ME(nt) that fuels your thoughts and efforts.  When you know who you are, you can be who you are.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Faith Is . . .

Faith is more than believing that what I don't see, I will see; what I don't feel, I will feel; what I haven't done, I will do.  Faith is the invisible proof that everything I desire to happen, will happen at the appointed time.  I don't have to see it to believe it.  I already know!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Beautiful World

I wonder what the world would look like if each one would take the time to appreciate the beauty within themselves.  If we could take a moment to look within and see the immeasurable potential housed within the heart, the soul, the mind - we could see beyond the limits of our external vision into the limitless possibilities of the self.  This intangible essence somehow manifests into what we see in the material world.  Beauty is love, passion, knowledge, patience, and so much more.  It's unconditional and unsituational.  It doesn't exist because of, but always is.  If you can see the beauty in you, imagine how beautiful it would be to see it in someone else. It's possible for us to live in a beautiful world.

Monday, July 19, 2010


When considering your future, don't be concerned with who, what, when, and where.  It may just leave you wondering why.  Be confident in knowing that all things are working together for your good.  Whatever is meant to be already is.  Time is of  the essence.  Yesterday, today, and tomorrow are working together as one.  Yesterday was what today is and what tomorrow will be.  Be future-forward in your thoughts, words, and acts.  It may not seem like it, but you're living your future right now.