Tuesday, October 16, 2012


It is so easy to become comfortable and complacent in the familiar things. Comfort is like snuggling under a warm blanket in front of a fire on a cold winters night. Although comfortable things causes you to feel good and secure, there can be a downside. For instance, if you were to stay in front of that fire under that blanket, eventually the temperature in the room would change and you could become quite uncomfortable under your, once, comfortable blanket. Sometimes the things we did and continue to do don't always serve us well when our situations/surroundings begin to change. Just as the seasons change as we progress throughout the year, we naturally change in accordance. No one wears snow boots during the summer. Wouldn't it be strange to wear shorts during the winter? If something is not working for you anymore or not serving you well, you may want to consider that now may be the time for change.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

You Are Priceless

You've always been a treasure.  God designed you that way.  You are no longer a buried treasure waiting for someone to discover you, dig you out of life's dirt and attach worth to you.  But, when Jesus rose from death's grave - you rose with him.  Out of the muck, out of the mire...all of life's dirt and grime was washed away.  And the jewel, the gem that you already were was set on display.  As you sparkle and shine with the anointing of the Holy Ghost, everyone can see your price is far above rubies and your value is indeed greater than gold.  In fact, You are so worth the savior's sacrifice that YOU ARE PRICELESS!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Sometimes I struggle with the thought of death.  Not because I am afraid of it, but because of its effect on the lives it touches.  In my heart, I believe no one really wants to die.  I believe we were designed to LIVE!  The problem is, we tend to not take advantage of the time we have and fail to live to the FULLEST!  If there is one thing I can’t live with, that one thing is regret.  I can’t be remorseful, disappointed, sorry, or lament over the life I chose to live.  I am fully aware that God has created us in his image and with the ability He himself is…and that is the power to create.  Now more than ever, I am so motivated to create the life I’ve been purposed to live.  I remind myself today and every day that follows that I don’t have a destiny awaiting me, but that I am the destiny I’ve been waiting for.  I want to encourage someone to take the reins of life and reverse your focus and aim.  Don’t let life steer you.  Grab life by both hands and tell life where you are going.  It has no choice but to follow.  Don’t live another day feeling like you’ve missed the mark, believing your abilities are inadequate, accepting someone was dealt a better hand.  Do what you’ve got to do, so you can be who God created you to be...and LIVE!!!!