Thursday, October 28, 2010

Don't Settle!

It's really important to remain focused and not let yourself settle for things or people you really don't want.  Sometimes it's challenging "holding out" until the right job, the right person, the right opportunity becomes available.  But, when you know what you want and are willing to take the steps to get it, whatever "IT" may be, there's nothing more disappointing than when you sell yourself short and end up with the short end of the stick.  It's really not worth the emotional  upset, financial distress, or whatever else that comes along with the settlement.  Whatever you do, please don't settle!  Your change will come along at the right time.


  1. We say to our self all the time I am going to move when the Lord tells me, However we get impatient. This is what will cause us to be in the wilderness a lot longer than we need be. If we just do what the Lord put in us to do we won't end up in dead ends and in dry places in our relationships, finances, employment and sanity. A dry place that affects any of the before mentioned will cause us to become angry, unsettled, and bitter. The Lord is sufficient but at the same time he rewards obedience.

  2. Patience is enduring even when it's difficult and without exhibiting any negative behavior such as annoyance or anger. It keeps you from acting in haste and living with regrets. I gotta say learning to be patient is one of the most difficult lessons to learn. I wonder can any of us truly master it?
