Thursday, August 19, 2010

F.A.I.T.H. or F.E.A.R.

Most times people  put forth a persona of confidence, determination, and persistence that appears iron clad and impossible to break when actually it's just a mere picture of the pseudo self on the brink of collapsing and bowing in defeat.  It's not until we face fear for what it really is - False Evidence Appearing Real - that we can activate our faith - Fulfilling Agape Instruction Through Hope.  Think about different times in your lives when you opted "not" to do or say or be because what was in front of you appeared to be greater than you or your ability.  That was nothing but fear.  It seemed real, but in reality it was a false truth.  You had the experience, but you didn't have the education so you opted "not" to go after the job.  You had the time and even the resources, but you didn't have the brains of a scholar - so you opted "not" to go after the degree.  And the list goes on, and on, and on . . . How many times are you going to gracefully "bow out" when you have the capacity for F.A.I.T.H.?  Have enough confidence to believe in the authenticity of your faith.  God is, therefore, you can!


  1. Minister Gwen you are so right we have to start having faith that God will give us the desires of our heart. There are some people out there in the world that are clueless to reality but they have faith that what they are doing will make them wealthy. How many times have we purchased things that someone is selling out of their vehicle. They convince you that what they have is a must but when you get home use it one time and never again. They make killing because they can tranfer their faith to you. How many George Foreman grills are collectig dust or how many cd's have you bought that had a good beat but the lyrics have no substance. In many cases the person can't even sing (P-Diddy)but he believes he can and will convince you he is singing like a angel.

  2. Minister Gwen,
    That is so true. If people would have faith, and catch on to that concept we would be delievered from so many things that hold us back. Thank you, so much for the continued daily inspiration.
